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Bike and Hike in Paznaun - The perfect combination in the Tyrolean mountains

Bike and Hike in Paznaun - that is the perfect combination for incomparable outdoor adventures in XXL. Because around Galtür, Ischgl, Kappl and See the two activities can be wonderfully combined. So you can explore the most action-packed trails by mountain bike and at the same time conquer the most breathtaking peaks on foot. Paznaun is considered both a mountain bike El Dorado and a unique hiker's paradise - there's something for everyone. So get going and experience unforgettable moments in the breathtaking landscape of Paznaun!

The Bike & Hike experience in Paznaun is just the thing for those who want to put together their own sporting nature experience. First, you can fight your way up spectacular trails meter by meter on a mountain bike and then relax in summit bliss. Or you can choose the e-bike option to save your energy for the later hiking stage.

Cycling is fun - especially when you don't have to worry about where to park your bike. Because at the end of the trail, a modern bike depot awaits in any case, where the bikes can be safely stowed. So you can concentrate fully on the tour and enjoy the scenery.

The advantage of this is that the way there and back to the starting point of the chosen hiking route falls into the category of "fast and uncomplicated". In addition, the bike is well and safely parked while you explore the Tyrolean mountains on foot. 



  • Bike and Hike im Paznaun

Mehr Infos unter:

Bike depots at a glance

  • Kappl

    • Almstüberl
    • Seßladalpe
    • Visnitzalpe
  • Ischgl

    • Bergstation Flimjochbahn & Velillbahn
    • Friedrichshafener Hütte
    • Heidelberger Hütte
    • Larein Alpe
    • Samnaun: Alp Bella
  • See

    • Ascherhütte
  • Galtür

    • Alpengasthof Zeinis
    • Berggasthof Piz Buin
    • Heilbronner Hütte
    • Larein Alpe

As soon as the bike is stowed away in the practical depot, the hiking boots come into play. Because in the mountains around Galtür, Ischgl, Kappl and See some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the Alps await. From short and crisp to long and leisurely: What do all the routes in Paznaun have in common? The fantastic views of the surrounding nature along the way.

Tip: Hiking is a great sport and the view of fantastic landscapes always motivates us anew. But it's not uncommon for us to feel hungry and thirsty after just a short time. Fortunately, there are numerous cozy huts in the mountains of Tyrol where you can fortify yourself. Kaiserschmarren definitely taste best when enjoyed with a magnificent view of the surrounding landscape!

The most beautiful bike and hike tours in Paznaun

  • Kappl

    Kappl – Visnitzalpe – Mittagskopf
    mittel | 8,2 km | 1080 hm

    Kappl – Seßladalpe – Niederelbehütte – Kappler Kopf 
    mittel | 21,6 km | 1143 hm

    Kappl – Seßladalpe – Niederelbehütte – Kreuzjochspitze
    schwierig | 22,9 km | 1630 hm

    Kappl – Seßladalpe – Niederelbehütte – Seßladspitze
    schwierig | 24,0 km | 1483 hm

    Kappl – Almstüberl – Alblittköpfe (über Diastrail zurück ins Tal)
    schwierig | 26,8 km | 1620 hm (Nutzung der Bergbahnen möglich)

  • Ischgl

    Ischgl – Larein Alpe – Berglisee
    leicht | 12,6 km | 821 hm

    Ischgl/Piel – Friedrichshafner Hütte – Hohe Köpfe
    mittel | 19,2 km | 1257 hm

    Ischgl/Piel – Friedrichshafner Hütte – Grießkogel
    schwierig | 15,3 km | 1210 hm

    Ischgl – Bergstation Velillbahn – Bürkelkopf (über Velilltrail zurück ins Tal)
    schwierig | 18,1 km | 1570 hm (Nutzung der Bergbahnen möglich)

    Ischgl – Bergstation Flimjochbahn – Bürkelkopf
    schwierig | 20,2 km | 1570 hm (Nutzung der Bergbahnen möglich)

    Ischgl – Heidelberger Hütte – "Die drei 3.000er": Bischofsspitze, Breite Krone, Grenzeckkopf
    schwierig | 21,2 km | 1835 hm

    Ischgl – Viderjoch (Bergstation Flimjochbahn) – Schmuggler Trail – Alp Trida Sattel (CH) – Piz Munschuns (CH)
    schwierig | 31,0 km | 2220 hm (Nutzung der Bergbahnen möglich)

    Ischgl – Viderjoch (Bergstation Flimjochbahn) – Alp Trida (CH) – Alp Bella (CH) – Grübelekopf
    schwierig | 31,1 km | 2420 hm (Nutzung der Bergbahnen möglich)

  • See

    See – Medrigalm – Ascherhütte – Rotpleiskopf
    schwierig | 29,3 km | 1884 hm (Nutzung der Bergbahnen möglich)

    See – Medrigalm – Ascherhütte – Furgler
    schwierig | 32,0 km | 2166 hm (Nutzung der Bergbahnen möglich)

  • Galtür

    Galtür – Alpengasthof Zeinis – Verbellaalpe – Wiegensee
    leicht | 12,2 km | 528 hm

    Galtür – Alpengasthof Zeinis – Breitspitze
    leicht | 13,7 km | 752 hm

    Galtür – Alpengasthof Zeinis – Fädnerspitze
    mittel | 9,0 km | 1178 hm

    Galtür –  Larein Alpe – Predigberg
    mittel | 13,3 km | 1173 hm

    Galtür – Alpengasthof Zeinis – Verbellaalpe – Versalspitze
    mittel | 14,9 km | 1047 hm

    Galtür – Berggasthof Piz Buin – Bielerspitze
    mittel | 16,2 km | 1050 hm

    Galtür – Jamtalhütte – westliches Gamshorn
    schwierig | 12,0 km | 1398 hm

    Galtür – Jamtalhütte – "Die drei 3.000er": Bischofsspitze, Breite Krone, Grenzeckkopf
    schwierig | 17,2 km | 1578 hm

    Galtür – Kops Stausee – Heilbronner Hütte – Muttenjoch – Gaisspitz
    schwierig | 18,7 km | 1401 hm

    Galtür – Berggasthof Piz Buin – Hohes Rad
    schwierig | 30,70 km | 1591 hm